Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Did you ever wish...

Did you ever wish that you could change a day? Here was I determined to be on the ball, caught up with everything and to find time to write this amazing story. Until some sort of gremlin got at me that was, and funnily enough I'd had a warning only days ago. Guess who never listened?..
A friend who I had not heard from for while, mainly because she had been out of the country, called for a chat. She told me that she'd been really ill with an ear infection, caused simply by scratching an itchy ear.
Now I have already suspected that the shampoo manufaturers are in collaboration with the drug companies, you know, I can hear them as they pour the financial cream on the cookies. 'Just one small ingredient.. give everyone itchy ears! We'll make a forecast of ... oooh at least .....!!'
Well, thats what started it, an itchy ear I mean, and like most people I scratched and 'itched' it. To shorten a drawn out story, here I am in the surgery nursing the grandaddy of all earaches.I caught sight of something out of the corner of my eye, laughing and rubbing his little hands as he slipped unseen around the surgery. No one spoke and I longed to speak and point him out. But I was deaf and anything I said might well have sounded like I would be yelling from the other side of the road. So I kept quiet.
As I meekly collected my prescription, he was there, clip board in hand, perusing the shampoos and conditioners... ticking little boxes, crossing others. No one took any notice! It dawned on me, still, only I could see it. He was ticking all the products I had tried out in order to rid myself of these itchy ears and with an evil grin on his face.. Hmmm. Thinking hastily I reached out and pulled a box from the shelf. His face distorted in fear and he turned a dull grey colour. As suddenly as I had caught sight of him he dramatically disappeared, exploded into dozens of bits all over the floor..."Ooh, I'm sorry dear, my bag seems to have caught the shelf, I'll help you pick it all up." The elderly lady was quite embarrassed at the accidental removal of an entire shelf behind where she stood. But I knew what had really happened!
I placed the nit shampoo back on the shelf and left the shop.Next time I am going to listen to advice from a friend no matter how obscure. Now my third day of blogging has been scuppered, I am going to bed with a painkiller and a hot water bottle... till tomorrow. JM

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