Sunday 7 June 2009


Why is that whenever you see something wonderful to look at, you have left the camera at home. We'd just taken a Sunday drive... in the rain... along to Lee on the Solent and as we passed the beach the view was fantastic across to the Isle of Wight. Huge clouds with dark gray edges hovered heavily over a bright white clouded sky where the sun reflected on them to give an almost a flourescence. Beneath them was the island itself, patches of it were hidden with the misty fallout from above and the houses between the mist looked like a black and white silhouette against the bright clouds above them. Looking from across the Solent the beaches had a dark green line but the sea, normally a shade of blue or gray, today was a beautiful soft green. Yatchs with coloured boats and crystal white sails drifted lazily on the pastel sea and in and out of the waves a ski jet left a trail of foaming white horses to contrast with the green. A dog, just a black speck in the water, was swimming near to the beach. I was so cross with myself for not having the camera. What I describe is nothing compared to what I was seeing. The colours were just amazing shades, so subtle that I don't suppose the camera would have captured them anyway. Sadly, I had to just commit it into a memory box in my mind's eye but I have given a note to myself that when the weather conditions are similar to go down again to the sea and try and capture the picture another time.
It did make me want to get my paint box out and do some more painting, well that and watching 'Potter', the film about the life of Beatrix Potter. What an inspiring lady! When my children were small we had every one of her wonderful books and we knew the stories off by heart. Together the film and the sea scape has stirred something that has been hiding deep away to give priority to my writing but I think it is time now that my colour box came out of the dust and back into my life.... all I need is a studio now...

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